
Trail of the owl’s nest – PR2 SARG

crossing points: Boca de Ambas Ribeiras/ Mocho/ Chã de Igreja

Length: 7,8 km

Time : 4:30 h

Start of the trail : Boca de Ambas Ribeiras

End of the trail : Chã de Igreja

A trail situated between Boca de Ambas-as-Ribeiras (five minuntes from the “canal’s tip”), in Ribeira Grande, and Chã de Igreja, which requires an important effort for those who will walk the trail on the ascending way, due to long and steep areas (on the village, it is also possible, if you wish, to get a car to go back to the town.) Whatever you decide, you will go through the “Owl’s place” and will be able to admire amazing landscapes.

Natural heritage

  • Flora: Kickxia webbiana (Kickxia webbiana), Paronychia (Paronychia illecebroides), Campylanthus glaber (Campylanthus glaber spathulatus), Sarcostemma daltonii (Sarcostemma daltonii), Asparagus squarrosus (Asparagus squarrosus), Lotus flower(Lotus sp.), Campylanthus glaber (Campylanthus glaber glaber), Mustards (Diplotaxis antoniensis), Frankenia (Frankenia ericifolia caboverdeana), Helianthemum gorgoneum (Helianthemum gorgoneum), Launaea gorgadensis, Lavender (Lavandula rotundifolia), Limonium braunii, Launaea picridioides (Launaea picridioides), Nauplius daltoni (Nauplius daltonii vogelii), Phagnalon melanoleucum (Phagnalon melanoleucum), Polycarpaea gayi (Polycarpaea gayi), Tamarix (Tamarix senegalensis).
  • Fauna: : Cape verde shearwater (Calonectris edwardsii), Osprey (Pandion haliaethus) Reptiles : Loggerhead sea turtle(Caretta caretta), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriácea), hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivácea).

Interesting points :

Natural values :

  • Natural landscapes, in particular various verdant riversides.

Cultural values :

  • Celebration of São Pedro Apóstolo (Chã de Igreja, 29th of June)
  • Celebration of São Paulo (Chã de Igreja, 30th of june)
  • Local products : Aguardiente, honey, horticultural products (mango trees, banana trees, bread-fruit)