Ines Silva is 57 years old. She was born on Brava’s island, and migrated to the USA with her family when she was 5 years old. She then grew up in New Bedford.
Her grandfather, who used to work on the whaling ship, “ WF Morgan Whaling Ship” belonged to one of the first group of cap verdean migrants who were given the american nationality around the 1910’s.
Inês Silva went to high school in New Bedford Mass, in 1978, and moven then to California, where she continued to study at Berkeley’s University. She graduated in dentistry in 1986, therefore getting the licence to open a dentist’s practice.
Since 1987, she also provides services for the “most disadvantaged” children of Cape Verde, in the fields of Health and Education. In 2013, she started with a project whose goal was to create “Paradise’s Soaps”. The project grew in 2018, with the inauguration in April 2018.